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Online Char code Encoder & Decoder

This is the most basic way to encrypt a string (if you don't consider reversed string as encrypted), the goal is to change letter for same letter +n.
This encryption should not be used as security, but can be combined to other encryption.
Any way, sometimes you can find this kind of encryption in some message, this tool will help you to quickly decrypt it.
Scripts are in pure javascript to prevent encoded/decoded string storing which could be seen by server administrator.
  • 1. Select in tab encode or decode :
    If you want to encode or decode a string select the corresponding tab
  • 2. Copy your string :
    Copy your string to "string to decode/encode" area
  • 3. Select option :
    You can choose to increase or decrease char level encoding between +32 and -32
  • 4. Start the process :
    Click on the "decode/encode" button to start encoding/decoding process
  • 5. Result :
    You can use the "copy result to clipbord" button to copy result
copy to clipboard Char code encode/decode function
//Char decode
result = '';
for( ; i < l ; i++ )
	result += String.fromCharCode( string[i].charCodeAt(0) - level );

//Char encode
result = '';
for( ; i < l ; i++ )
	result += String.fromCharCode( string[i].charCodeAt(0) - level );

Char code decode

paste from clipboard
  • Place here your string to decode
copy result to clipboard
  • Decoded string

Char code encode

paste from clipboard
  • Place here your string to encode
copy result to clipboard
  • Encoded string
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