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IDE PhpStorm

PhpStorm provides an editor for PHP, HTML and JavaScript with on-the-fly code analysis, error prevention and automated refactorings for PHP and JavaScript code. PhpStorm's code completion supports PHP 5.x & 7.x (modern and legacy projects), including generators, coroutines, the finally keyword, list in foreach, namespaces, closures, traits and short array syntax. It includes a full-fledged SQL editor with editable query results.

PhpStorm is built on IntelliJ IDEA, which is written in Java. Users can extend the IDE by installing plugins created for the IntelliJ Platform or write their own plugins.

source wikipedia
Official download Jetbrains PHPStorm

PhpStorm Tips

Official help Jetbrains PHPStorm Help
Official shortcuts Jetbrains PHPStorm keyboard shortcuts


Ctrl+DDuplicate line
Ctrl+GGo to line
Ctrl+Shift+FFind in path
Ctrl+RFind & replace
Ctrl+Shift+RFind & replace in path
Ctrl+Alt+LReformate Code
Alt+EnterGenerate from selection
Alt+Arrow down/UpGo to previous/next method
Alt+ClickGo to method/function clicked
Alt+ClickCreate multiple cursor each click, for multiple simultaneous writing
Ctrl+Shift+AFind Action
Ctrl+NFind class
Ctrl+Shift+NFind file
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+NFind symbol
Ctrl+EView recent files
Alt+EnterShow intention actions
Ctrl+SpaceBasic code completion
Ctrl+WExtending selection
Ctrl+Shift+WShrinking selection
Ctrl+SlashAdd line or block comment
Ctrl+Shift+SlashRemove line or block comment
Ctrl+Shift+F7Highlight usages in file

Twig shortcuts

Those shortcuts help to edit .twig templates
In a new file write only ! then use tabThe file will be filled with a default html file content
Write blk then use tabWill create a new block
Write ext then use tabWill create an extends block
Ctrl + clickWill go to selected element

Tools & Configuration

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