Esxi SSL
Get the SSL certificate
The easiest way is to go through a site that allows easy generation.For example ZeroSSL (
On the site, all you have to do is verify the domain name, either by emailing the domain name, or by adding a CNAME as a DNS entry.
Personally I have a preference for the DNS entry.
Ajouter un CNAME au DNS
On the domain management interface, add the entry as requested in the certificate creation steps
download the certificate on the Esxi

A. Enabling SSH to upload files via SFTP

B. Upload files to Esxi server

install the certificate on the Esxi

cd /etc/vmware/ssl mv private.key rui.key mv certificate.crt rui.crt restart
In some case, you maye use this command to restart the services copy to clipboard restart &tail -f /var/log/
Check the certificate