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Keymap manager

Official site configuring keyboard shortcuts

For example, a shortcut can be create to clean cache with the script set before:
phpStorm clean all keymap And you can set any shortcut you want, personnally i use Ctrl+Shift+F5

File Watchers

Official site using file watchers

CSS source compilation

Sass (Syntactically awesome style sheets) is a style sheet language initially designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum. After its initial versions, Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein have continued to extend Sass with SassScript, a simple scripting language used in Sass files.

Sass and SCSS compilers are managed through the Ruby Gem manager.

Installing ruby

Official site installing ruby

1. Extract the ruby download files to the desired path, for exemple c:\dev\bin\ruby in my case.

2. Add ruby folder to the path, for this you can use my script available at usage: copy to clipboard
add2path.bat C:\dev\bin\ruby\bin

3. Test the installation using the command ruby -v

Installing compass

Compass is an open-source CSS authoring framework which uses the Sass stylesheet language to make writing stylesheets powerful and easy.
Official site

1. installation copy to clipboard
gem install compass

2. Test the installation copy to clipboard
compass -v

creating css file from scss : copy to clipboard
C:\dev\bin\ruby\bin\scss.bat --no-cache --update {PATHTOTHEFILE}.scss

Using compass in phpStorm (scss)

phpStorm compass configuration phpStorm compass configuration
Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
--no-cache --update $ProjectFileDir$\public\css\$FileNameWithoutExtension$.scss


Minification (also minimisation or minimization), in computer programming languages and especially JavaScript, is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute. Source : wikipedia
The common tools used for the JS & CSS Minification are UglifyCss & Uglify-js
Both require node.js

Installing node.js

Official site installing node.js

1. Extract the node.js download files to the desired path, for exemple c:\dev\node in my case.

2. Add node folder to the path, for this you can use my script available at usage: copy to clipboard
add2path.bat c:\dev\bin\node

3. Test the installation using the command node -v

Installing uglify-js & uglifycss

copy to clipboard
npm install uglifycss
minifying a css file : copy to clipboard
uglifycss {PATHTOTHEFILE}.css --output {PATHTOTHEFILE}.min.css

copy to clipboard
npm install uglify-js
minifying a js file : copy to clipboard
uglifycss {PATHTOTHEFILE}.js -o {PATHTOTHEFILE}.js.css

Using uglifycss in phpStorm

phpStorm minifycss configuration
Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
$FileName$ --output $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.css

Scope pattern : copy to clipboard

  • The scope is very important, !file:*.min.css mean exlude .min.css, else script would do infinite loop on creating minfyied .min.css each time it is minifyied

Using uglify-js in phpStorm

phpStorm minifyjs configuration
Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
$FileName$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js

Scope pattern : copy to clipboard

  • The scope is very important, !file:*.js.css mean exlude .js.css, else script would do infinite loop on creating minfyied .js.css each time it is minifyied
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