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Third-party Tools (using composer)

Composer create a folder named vendor where all packages will be added
I will put all downloaded packages from composer in C:\dev\vendor
  • Do not forget to make the previous tips using composer.bat as shortcut to be able to use the command "composer" without specifing php and the full composer path
  • Linux version need some adaptation but it is almost the same things

Initializing composer folder (optional)

in a dos prompt go to C:\dev\ and init composer using the command :
copy to clipboard
composer init
composer init
Once done a composer.json will be create and use for install third-party tool.

As this folder will be dedictated to phpStorm, it will not be linked directly with the others projects.
Wich mean packages install can be made without --dev option.

phpStorm external tool

This is how to add an external tool in phpStorm :
phpStorm external tool

Php Metrics

PHP Metrics provides tons of metrics:
  • Complexity: Cyclomatic complexity, Myer's interval, Relative system complexity
  • Volume: Vocabulary, Data complexity, Lines of code, Readability...
  • Object Oriented: Lack of cohesion of methods, Coupling, Abstraction...
  • Maintainability: Maintainability index, Halstead's metrics, Effort...

Official download
animated and anooted demo of PhpMetrics report

Php Metrics installation

To install it using composer, you can run the composer require command ( in c:\dev\ in my case ) : copy to clipboard
composer require phpmetrics/phpmetrics

Html report command : copy to clipboard
php C:\dev\vendor\phpmetrics\phpmetrics\bin\phpmetrics --report-html={EXPORTFOLDER} {PHPSOURCESFOLDER}

PHP Metrics configuration

To add an external tool open : Settings > Tools > External tools phpStorm php depend configuration
To start inspection go to Tools > External Tools > PHP Metrics

Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
C:\dev\vendor\phpmetrics\phpmetrics\bin\phpmetrics --report-html=$ProjectFileDir$\public\output\metrics $ProjectFileDir$\src
  • $ProjectFileDir$ mean the current project folder in phpStorm, like that, the config will be valid for any project without changing the configuration.

Php Mess Detector

It takes a given PHP source code base and look for several potential problems within that source. These problems can be things like:
  • Possible bugs
  • Suboptimal code
  • Overcomplicated expressions
  • Unused parameters, methods, properties

Official download

Php Mess Detector installation

To install it using composer, you can run the composer require command ( in c:\dev\ in my case ) : copy to clipboard
composer require phpmd/phpmd

Html report command : copy to clipboard
php C:\dev\vendor\phpmd\phpmd\src\bin\phpmd {PHPSOURCESFOLDER} html cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode > {EXPORTEDFILEPATH}.html
  • There is multiple export format available like text, xml, html...

PHP Mess Detector configuration

First you need to edit phpmd.bat in /bin from /vendor to set your php path and phpmd path (in my case C:\dev\vendor\phpmd\phpmd\src\bin\phpmd.bat) :
phpStorm mess detector configuration phpStorm mess detector configuration Then configure desired inspected files in the phpStorm tab code > Inspect Code
phpStorm mess detector configuration To start the full inspection go to code > Inspect Code tab, then click ok in the opened window

PHP Mess Detector configuration as external tool

To add an external tool open : Settings > Tools > External tools phpStorm php depend configuration
To start inspection go to Tools > External Tools > PHP Mess detector

Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
C:\dev\vendor\phpmd\phpmd\src\bin\phpmd $ProjectFileDir$\src html cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode > $ProjectFileDir$\public\output\phpmd.html

Php Code Sniffer & Code Beautifier and Fixer

PHP_CodeSniffer is a set of two PHP scripts; the main phpcs script that tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files to detect violations of a defined coding standard, and a second phpcbf script to automatically correct coding standard violations. PHP_CodeSniffer is an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent.

Official download

Php Code Sniffer installation

To install it using composer, you can run the composer require command ( in c:\dev\ in my case ) : copy to clipboard
composer require squizlabs/php_codesniffer

Txt report command : copy to clipboard
php C:\dev\vendor\squizlabs\php_codesniffer\bin\phpcs -s --standard=PSR2 --report=summary {PHPSOURCESFOLDER} > {EXPORTEDFILEPATH}.txt
  • Php Code Sniffer require xdebug, it looks into php.ini configuration to check the xdebug path adding php_{zend_extension}.dll so you need to configure the zend extension without the php_ or .dll at the end to prevent trouble of localization:
    correct : zend_extension='xdebug-2.6.0-7.2-vc15-x86_64'
    error : zend_extension='php_xdebug-2.6.0-7.2-vc15-x86_64'
Automatically fix Coding standard command :
copy to clipboard
php C:\dev\vendor\squizlabs\php_codesniffer\bin\phpcbf -s --standard=PSR2 {PHPSOURCESFOLDER}

PHP Code Sniffer configuration

phpStorm code sniffer configuration phpStorm code sniffer configuration

PHP Code Sniffer configuration as external tool

To add an external tool open : Settings > Tools > External tools phpStorm php Code Sniffer configuration
To start inspection go to Tools > External Tools > PHP Code Sniffer

Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
C:\dev\vendor\squizlabs\php_codesniffer\bin\phpcs -s --standard=PSR2 --report=summary $ProjectFileDir$\src > $ProjectFileDir$\public\output\phpcs.txt

PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer configuration as external tool

To add an external tool open : Settings > Tools > External tools phpStorm code beautifull fixer configuration
To start inspection go to Tools > External Tools > PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer

Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
C:\dev\vendor\squizlabs\php_codesniffer\bin\phpcbf -s --standard=PSR2 $ProjectFileDir$\src

PHP Copy/Paste Detector

phpcpd is a Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code.
Used to factorize the code and prevent duplicated code.

Official download

PHP Copy/Paste Detector installation

To install it using composer, you can run the composer require command ( in c:\dev\ in my case ) : copy to clipboard
composer require sebastian/phpcpd

Txt report command : copy to clipboard
php C:\dev\vendor\sebastian\phpcpd\phpcpd $ProjectFileDir$\src

PHP Copy/Paste Detector configuration

phpStorm phpCPD configuration To start inspection go to tool > external tool > PHP Copy/Paste Detector

Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments : copy to clipboard
C:\dev\vendor\sebastian\phpcpd\phpcpd $ProjectFileDir$\src > $ProjectFileDir$\public\output\phpcpd.txt

PHP Depend

PHP_Depend is a small program that performs static code analysis on a given source base. Static code analysis means that PHP_Depend first takes the source code and parses it into an easily processable internal data structure. This data structure is normally called an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), that represents the different statements and elements used in the analyzed source base. Then it takes the generated AST and measures several values, the so called software metrics. Each of this values stands for a quality aspect in the the analyzed software, observed from a very high level of abstraction, because no source was reviewed manually until now.
Official download

PHP Depend installation

To install it using composer, you can run the composer require command ( in c:\dev\ in my case ) : copy to clipboard
composer require pdepend/pdepend

Report command : copy to clipboard
php C:\dev\vendor\pdepend\pdepend\src\bin\pdepend --summary-xml={EXPORTEDFILEPATH}}.xml --jdepend-chart={EXPORTEDFILEPATH}}.svg --overview-pyramid={EXPORTEDFILEPATH}}.svg {PHPSOURCESFOLDER}

PHP Depend configuration

phpStorm php depend configuration

Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments :
copy to clipboard
C:\dev\vendor\pdepend\pdepend\src\bin\pdepend.php --summary-xml=$ProjectFileDir$\public\output\phpdepend.xml --jdepend-chart=$ProjectFileDir$\public\output\jdepend.svg --overview-pyramid=$ProjectFileDir$\public\output\pyramid.svg $ProjectFileDir$\src

PHP Documentor

phpDocumentor is a tool that makes it possible to generate documentation directly from your PHP source code. With this you can provide your consumers with more information regarding the functionality embedded within your source and not just what is usable to them from your user interface.

Official download

PHP Documentor installation

To install it using composer, you can run the composer require command ( in c:\dev\ in my case ) : copy to clipboard
composer require phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor

Report command : copy to clipboard
C:\dev\vendor\phpdocumentor\phpdocumentor\bin\phpdoc -t $ProjectFileDir$\public\output\phpdoc -d $ProjectFileDir$\src\

PHP Documentor configuration

phpStorm phpDocumentor configuration

File Template for phpdoc.dist.xml
copy to clipboard
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Full stats generator script

the script is available here : This script use all previous packages.

Script configuration

REM -------------------------
REM project path
set vendor=C:\dev\vendor
set index=index.html
REM -------------------------
  • vendor : path to vendor folder
  • index : file name result

Script command

script command :
export.bat ProjectPath sourceFolder webFolder outputFolder

export.bat $ProjectFileDir$ src public output
this will create stats in public/output/index.html

Script configuration as external tool

phpStorm full stats configuration

Program : copy to clipboard

Arguments :
copy to clipboard
$ProjectFileDir$ src public output
Generated in 0.001 sec & displayed in ... sec