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phpStorm with Symfony

phpStorm can add lot of usefull tool to work with Symfony frameworks.

Symfony Plugin

It Require to Install PHP Annotations phpStorm symfony plugin install

Enabling Symfony plugin

phpStorm symfony plugin enabling

PHP Annotations Plugin

phpStorm symfony annotation plugin install

PHP Toolbox Plugin

phpStorm symfony toolbox plugin install

Autoloader configuration

phpStorm symfony autoloader configuration menu phpStorm symfony autoloader configuration

Cache cleaner shortcut (optional)

As symfony cache could be annoying, here a command to clear it + autoload cache :
the script is available here : Now you just have to add it to the external tools :
phpStorm clean all configuration To start inspection go to tool > external tool > Clean All

Adding Symfony Coding Standard

Official link : Symfony coding standard
You need to copy Symfony from Symfony coding standard package to C:\dev\vendor\squizlabs\php_codesniffer\src\Standards\ phpStorm symfony coding standard configuration
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